Blue Pacific 2050 Dashboard

This 2050 Dashboard presents Forum Member data across the seven Thematic Areas of the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific.

Data and visualisations in this dashboard supplement the 2024 Baseline Report to Leaders, delivered to the 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting hosted by Tonga. Additional indicators from regional and global monitoring frameworks identified by the 2050 MEL Working Group are also presented to tell a richer story. New indicators are proposed for development in the region to address areas of the Strategy not well served by existing indicators, and these will be added over time as indicators are agreed and adopted by the Pacific.

Data presented is collated from a number of sources, including national household census and survey collections, civil registry data, health information systems, regional education assessments, satellite data, SDG custodian agencies and published reports from countries and development partners.

Oceans and environment


This thematic area focuses on the region’s stewardship of the Blue Pacific Continent through collective responsibility, commitment and investment in its ocean and lands. This includes to invest in the region’s sovereignty and sovereign rights over its maritime zones and lands, such as to support its continental shelf claims. Recognising the significant environmental and ecosystem-based services that the Blue Pacific provides to the planet, the region’s ability to benefit from its ocean and environment depends on its capacity to make the right policy choices, partnerships and investments, including by adopting a precautionary and forward-looking approach to protect the region’s biodiversity, its environment and resources from exploitation, degradation, nuclear contamination, waste, pollution, and health threats.


Outcome / Indicator with target
At least 10% protected area coverage for marine Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)
Increased % of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture
Implemented measures combating illegal, unreported & unregulated fishing
Recognition and protection of access rights for small-scale fisheries